Regional Sediment Management and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Managing sediment to benefit a region potentially saves money, allows use of natural processes to solve engineering problems, and improves the environment.
As a management method, RSM:
- Includes the entire environment, from the watershed to the sea
- Accounts for the effect of human activities on sediment erosion as well as its transport in streams, lakes, bays, and oceans
- Protects and enhances the nation's natural resources while balancing national security and economic needs
- RSM Background and Overview-IWR (2002)
- Regional Sediment Management Update (2015)
- RSM Status (2010)
- Regional Sediment Management Program Presentation (2007)
- Regional Sediment Management Demo Program (2004)
- RSM Primer
- RSM: A Short Explanation via Slides
- RSM WRDA 07 Implementation Guidance
- RSM Program: Taking It to the Next Level (2013)
- RSM Presentation - IWR (2005)
- RSM in California (2016)
- RSM in the Gulf of Mexico
- RSM in North Carolina (updated Dec. 2016)
- Eastern Shore VA RSM Needs (Nov. 2016)
- RSM in Matthews County, VA (ERDC)
- RSM in Northeast Florida (2014)
- RSM Along the Atlantic Coast of Maryland (2013)
- RSM in Galveston Bay (2010)