WRDA 18 starts to get legs

The House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee will hold a Nov. 2 hearing focused on Central Takeaways from the Unprecedented 2017 Hurricane Season.  Details have not been posted yet, but check back here in a few days.  You can still listen to the roundtable discussion the committee held on Friday the 27th by clicking here.  This…

Early October 2017 Update

The President has nominated RD James to be Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works.  Here’s my LinkedIn post with info about Mr. James.  BTW, please connect with me on LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6321839869484167168/  There’s a report today in E&E News that Mr. James “owns property affected by one of the most contentious flood-control projects in…

Is the Planet Running out of Sand?

When you think of Earth’s dwindling supply of natural resources, a few things immediately spring to mind.  Clean air and water top the list when it comes to what we want to preserve for future generations.  There is little disagreement that forests and endangered species of animals must be protected, and then of course there’s sand… Wait, sand? …