WRDA Signed into Law, Work Plan

The Water Resources Development Act has been signed into law. If you missed our briefing on the important topics in WRDA, please see it on our website. Remember, due to Senator McConnell’s final amendments, the bill will not go into effect until 5 days from now, October 28th, 2018. The Corps’ Work Plan has supposedly made…

WRDA18 – What you NEED to know, plus some more

Today’s issue is a briefing of the Water Resources Development Act of 2018 (WRDA18). The main topics discussed are provisions related to transparency, dredging, non-Federal interests, disaster and nature & environment. There is an extraordinary number of provisions that were drafted as a ‘sense of Congress’ in earlier versions of the House and Senate bills. These…

WRDA Passes Senate, Hurricane Michael

WRDA has passed the Senate by unanimous consent – Well, 99-1.. We’ll be putting together a briefing for you of what you need to know. If you have specific requests, please let us know what you are interested in. Meanwhile, Hurricane Michael has made landfall in the Florida panhandle – This storm is going to…